Friday, April 5, 2013


Joan of Arcadia is probably the TV show that had the most impact on me. Partly because it's incredibly rich in what could be seen as life lessons, and partly because it came into my life at a time when I really needed to hear them.

My mistake was that I didn't necessarily apply all the lessons I learned in my life... and then I started to forget them... but yesterday night, I remembered a scene that, to me, rang true then and still does now - probably even more.

The show is about young girl who sees and talks with God and performs tasks she's given and the scene I'm talking about is from the 10th episode of the second (and last) season. The main character has a conversation with God about the death of her friend and it goes like this:

Joan: 'So... questions, that's it? It's about questions?'
God: 'That's it.'
Joan: 'Okay, then I have one:[name of friend who died]. Why did she have to die?'
God: 'What if she never lived at all?'
Joan: 'What if I had done things differently? What If I could have saved her?'
God: 'What if knowing you gave her days she thought she'd never have?'
Joan: 'No! No, I want answers! People need answers! Don't you see how much I miss her?'
God: 'Can't you still feel her? See, it's not about answers; it's about asking the right questions.'

This show got cancelled way too soon, but this has been one of the many epiphanies I had while watching it. It really got me thinking... what questions should we be asking ourselves, ultimately? For me, I think it's: how can I live the best life and help others do that too?

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